Do you need to decide between epoxy grouting and cement grouting while installing tiles?
As Grout begins to flake or change colour, it can make your kitchen or bathroom tiles look old and dirty.
Excellent seal between dissimilar surfaces, such as countertops , underneath basins and sinks, becomes necessary over time as a result of use.
We must select the most suitable Grout for tiling in these regions. Does one know the distinction between cement and epoxy grout?
If you’re not sure which of these alternatives is ideal for you, keep reading this page.
Certainly, Epoxy grout has taken the lead as the most popular choice for grouting. Epoxy grouting is widely used in tiled baths and floors by remodelling companies worldwide.
There must, however, be an explanation. Is it of interest to you to learn more about that? If so, keep reading this essay; there’s a lot more where that came from.
There are various uses for grout, a thick paste. Yet, the most common usage is for filling the spaces between tiles to protect them from shifting.
Most tile grout is made from cement. In both residential and commercial construction, 94% of American companies employ grout made from cement.
Cement-based Grout has a track record of reliably performing its intended function.
However, cement-based Grout has a few flaws that make it a poor option for installing tiles.
Cement grout is out of date for numerous reasons; there are now superior alternatives available to strengthen your caulking, which is the tile installation’s weakest link.
The Truth About Epoxy Grout
Listen up if you’ve become obsessed with just a mosaic tile but are worried about the maintenance required to clean the Grout between them.
With a replacement for traditional Grout, you may expect your mosaic accent tiles to retain their gleam for a lot longer than just a few months or years.
Are you still with us? Therefore, let’s dive right into epoxy grout with both feet!
What Exactly Is Grout, And How Is Epoxy Grout Different?
Cement is the main ingredient in conventional grout. Whenever it gets wet, it soaks up the moisture and becomes useless. Nonetheless, anyone who has washed Grout will vouch to the fact that it readily absorbs stains.
Nevertheless, epoxy grout is comprised of epoxy resins and a filler powder.
Because of this, it is impermeable to water and nearly impervious to stains. Because of its resilience, it is a great material for use in high-use areas such as floors, splashbacks, and walkways.
Epoxy grout is perfect for use in damp locations like showers since it does not crack, shrink, or change colour. Also, it can withstand the strong chemicals used in household cleaning goods without being damaged.
Epoxy grout is non-porous, thus it does not require sealing like cement grout does. This seems too impressive, doesn’t it? Let’s have a look at the potential drawbacks of this miracle grout.
To use epoxy grout seems to be more challenging than using regular Grout. It must be put in phases due to its rapid setting time.
Before epoxy grout can be applied to tiles, they must be meticulously cleaned. Porous surfaces, including such natural stone, need to be sealed for grouting since epoxy can discolour them.
Epoxy, in contrast to the rough cement appearance of normal Grout, can also have a little plastic aspect. Epoxy residue on tiles will leave a shiny film, so it’s important to remove it as soon as possible. Epoxy grout, because of its glossiness, is also less merciful and draws attention to any flaws in your tiling. Epoxy grout is also significantly more expensive than regular cement grout. The price difference is roughly three to four times as big.
The additional cost of this Grout is attributable to the more time forced to enforce epoxy and clean completely afterwards.
Epoxy Grout Vs Cement Grout For Tiling: Advantages & Disadvantages
Epoxy Grout
Epoxy grout, in contrast to cement grout, is fabricated from two-component epoxy resins. The powder used to fill these two is also included. This type of grout has been widely utilised by the renovation industry for many years due to its longevity, non-porousness, and resistance to stains.
Cement Grout
Grout made of cement consists of sand and water, and it is available in both sanded and unsanded forms.
Cement grouting is the process of injecting cement into holes or cracks in the ground or a concrete structure at high pressure. Cement is injected at high pressure to fill the holes.
The main distinction between fiberglass grout and clay grout is its durability
We all know that cement grout is a powdered cement combination. Epoxy grout, on the other hand, is fabricated from epoxy resins or a filler powder, rendering it impervious to moisture, stains, and wear. With its porous nature, cement grout is a more affordable alternative to epoxy grout.
It readily absorbs liquids, including stains, which over time cause it to fade in colour.
Now that you have a general knowledge of cement grout and epoxy grout, we’ll go into more depth about each to assist you choose the finest Grout for tiling.
What Is Cement Grout?
Cement grout is a mixture of cement and filler particles of varying sizes and water-retaining additives. Cement grout, thanks to its many useful characteristics, has found widespread use in both domestic and industrial settings.
It’s available in a variety of hues so that customers can find an ideal fit with their tiling. Cement grout is applied to a surface by first mixing it with water and then applying it using a trowel. Yet, a water-absorbent ingredient slows the drying process, allowing the cement to set and dry gradually for increased durability.
One of the most common complaints about cement grout is how long it takes to dry.
You make it by adding equal parts cement powder and water. Grout for tiling should always be chosen based on its setting and hardening times.
Because of the additional time required, the effectiveness of cement grouting suffers. The efficiency drops because of the negative effects of large voids on its stiffness and porousness. Yet it’s still a great classic choice for patching holes and openings in buildings.
Cement grout can stain porous tiles such as natural stone, quarried, and many others, hence it is not suggested for use with these materials. There are several varieties of cement grouting, such as sanded and unsanded types. Let’s break down what each of these is.
Sanded Vs. Unsanded
The primary distinction between sanded & unsanded is the presence or absence of small powder particles; the former has a rougher texture due to the presence of more sand. Large sand grains used in sanded cement grouts give off an air of determination.
Where the gaps are about 1/8 inch wide, sanded cement are recommended because of its longevity and strength to avoid cracking. In order to avoid scratching surfaces, care must be taken when applying this cement.
Grit is not noticeable in unsanded grouts. They are ideal for patching holes in constructions measuring between 1/16 and 1/8 of an inch in width. Sanded grouts lack binding force, hence they’re not advised for usage with fuller seams.
Latex-Modified Grout
Addition of latex polymer to the formulation of sanding grouts is possible. Addition of a latex polymer component, either before or after combining water and Grout, facilitates this procedure. This ingredient is crucial since it strengthens the Grout and makes it more watertight.
Maintenance Of Cement Grout
The most common type of grout used in tile installations is cement grout since it is durable and easy to clean. Grouts made with latex compounds, however, are porous and can discolour. Sealing all cementitious grouts is therefore crucial.
Penetrating sealer can be used once or twice yearly to accomplish this. This is the recommended procedure for ensuring the cement grout remains stain-free and is completely waterproof.
What is Epoxy Grout?
Epoxy grout is a novel and well-liked tile grout since it does not require Clinker or water to be mixed. Among its many components are a hardener, colourants, epoxy resin, & silica fills. When opposed to cementitious grout, epoxy grout has fewer pores.
Epoxy grouts are particularly well-suited to use in wet environments with a high concentration of greases and acidic, such as kitchens.
Epoxy resins, including polyurethane, polyurethane, and many more, find widespread use in the building industry. Epoxy may have a name that suggests cement, but unlike its name suggests, it contains no cement.
The epoxy hardener is important in getting the epoxy grout to solidify.
Repairing concrete cavities and fine cracks requires the use of the epoxy hardener as well. Yet, this substance is most useful when used as a priming or bonding agent.
There Are Two Primary Forms Of Epoxy Grouts
And these include both sanded and unsanded urethane grouts. The sand utilized in such moulds and the sand used in cementitious grouts are very different. Because of how quickly epoxy grouts cure, there can be a bit of a learning curve for inexperienced workers. Epoxy grouts are more expensive than cement grouts for the same purpose.
They run about $12 per kilogramme, with cement grouts running between $2 and $4. Epoxy grout, on the other hand, is the best option anywhere there is a necessity for optimum stain resistance.
Epoxy grout, however, has a high propensity to leave a noticeable stain on unglazed and porous surfaces.
Limestone stone quarry tiles are two common examples of such finishes. Epoxy grout must be sealed prior to grouting if it is to be used on these tiles. Epoxy grout is made by mixing two separate resins with a filler. Because of this, epoxy grout is impervious to water.
This is why epoxy grout is ideal for use with more powerful cleaners.
Epoxy grout, on the other hand, has superior chemical resistance and binding strength to cementitious grouts thanks to its thin-set feature.
Alternative Epoxy Joint Compounds
Another type of hybrid grout used for tiling is epoxy grout. Exactly like ordinary cement, this grout has a number of useful features.
This Grout, then, necessitates periodic sealing. Yet, unlike regular cementitious grouts, this hybrid variety is more resistant to stains and has a higher hardness and strength.
Why Do Construction Professionals Choose for Epoxy Grout?
Epoxy grout has a number of advantages, but it is more difficult to deal with than conventional Grout for tiling.
Epoxy grout has a plastic appearance that turns off some people who are doing house improvements.
Moreover, most tilers will charge you a premium for having them use epoxy grout rather than standard Grout, which is already rather pricey.
Other others favour regular grout since it is less of a hassle to work with when designing around outside corners.
In a shower, they would be the areas where the tile meets the wall, kerb, and niche. Also, not everyone is fond of epoxy grout because they have trouble getting the same results.
Time is of the essence when using epoxy in a grout junction. Epoxy grout sets faster than ordinary Grout, thus it may be applied in less time and with a smaller mix.
Moreover, an acid wash is required to remove any residual resin debris from the tile edges once epoxy grout has been installed.
Moreover, only glass is compatible with some epoxy grouts. Typically, both standard epoxy and a special glass epoxy are included in this category.
The only discernible distinction between these two is the filler utilised in the mixture. The glass tiles won’t damage the fragile ones because their infill is smoother.
What Are The Key Differences?
The key differentiating factor between normal Grout and epoxy grout is the time required for cleaning and installation.
Its cost is another point of differentiation. Epoxy grout can cost anywhere from three to four times as much as ordinary Grout.
Some installers don’t choose epoxy grout due to its high price tag.
When Should You Choose Epoxy Grout Over Cement Grout?
The best grout for marble top and bathrooms is epoxy grout. It’s the best bet there since it prevents moisture from getting under the tile, which is a common problem.
The waterproofing membrane is the first line of defence. In addition, when it comes to tiling the splashback behind sinks, epoxy grout is the way to go. Epoxy grout’s vibrant colours are a big part of its appeal.
Its uniform colour is a result of the filler in the epoxy grout. The cleaning technique allows the colour in ordinary Grout to be removed. Using epoxy grout instead of cement grout makes a huge impact. The primary distinction is that each uses a different set of processes. From preparing a cocktail to scrubbing the bathroom, nothing is like this.
Tiling a bathroom properly requires the expertise of trained professionals. Make sure they know the ins and outs of working with epoxy grout or normal cement grout. You should also keep in mind the price distinction between cement and epoxy grout.
Epoxy grout is more expensive than other types, but it is the best option for most situations due to its resistance to water and stains.
Nobody Loves Cement Grout
Cement grout is a common tile-setting material, although it isn’t the ideal option. When compared to mortar and regular cement, the consistency of grout made from cement allows it to flow more easily into crevices.
Cement-based grout materials are quite effective, but their porous nature is a major downside.
As the grout dries, there are tiny holes in the material that are practically impossible to see.
The problem is that the pores in the Grout make it easy for dirt and other debris to get inside and get permanently lodged.
This leads to discoloration and even encourages the growth of mould and mildew in the Grout. Consequently, the cement serves as a medium for stains, facilitating their penetration into the grout.
This means that even brand-new grout lines might start to discolour if they come into contact with substances that will cause them to do so.
It’s important to note that cement-based materials also lack waterproofing. Using a cement-based Grout requires an additional sealing step since it is susceptible to harm from water, specifically the kind of water found in showers.
One of epoxy grout’s best qualities is that it lasts a long time without breaking. It holds up well against climate change, as well as stains, fractures, chemicals, and extreme weather.
Because of its qualities, epoxy grout is the best option for those who want a quick, easy, and long-lasting tile job.
In both indoor and outdoor settings, epoxy grout is the ideal grouting material because to its durability. Stain, fracture, and chemical resistance further make it an excellent choice for high-traffic areas.
Because to its resilience in extreme temperatures and humidity, it is well suited for use in places that experience all four seasons.
Several people will complain to you about how challenging epoxy grout is to work with. Epoxy grout used to be tough to deal with, but modern improvements in the recipe have made it simple.
Epoxy grout is more difficult to work with than other forms of grout, however developments in products as Litokol Starlike Grout have made it easier to use.
In order to facilitate quick and simple maintenance, Starlike Grout is designed. It’s also completely harmless to installers, humans, animals, and the ecosystem as a whole.
The initial investment in epoxy grout is higher than that of cement-based grout solutions, but this is money well spent.
But, when you consider a few more of epoxy grout’s benefits over regular Grout, you’ll quickly come to the conclusion that epoxy grout is the better choice.
The cost of upgrading from epoxy and fixing the tile installation’s weakest link should be evaluated in light of the overall budget for the job.
Let’s use a 240-square-foot kitchen floor as an illustration: On average across the US, the expense of having tiles professionally installed is around $2,100.
On that basis, the added expense of switching from cement toward epoxy is less than $100. Because of this, you may wonder why anyone would continue to use cement grout.
Although epoxy grout is more expensive up front, its lengthy lifespan more than makes up for the initial investment.
Epoxy grout won’t break down or crack like regular grout. In contrast, standard grout materials, such as those made from cement, tend to degrade with time, increasing the likelihood that you will need to repair your tile at a certain point and spend more money in the process.
Epoxy grout can last a lifetime with minimal upkeep, saving you the trouble and expense of frequent tile replacement.
Epoxy grout is the most frequently utilised grouting material and is commonly employed by remodelling companies all over the world in tiled bathrooms and floors. The polyurethane and epoxy resins used in its construction have proven themselves time and time again to be highly effective at the tasks for which they were designed. Unfortunately, there are some issues that make it a bad choice for tiling. The weakest part of a tile installation is the caulking, but there are now better options available. Epoxy grout, unlike cement grout, does not need to be sealed because it is impermeable.
It comes in sanded and unsanded varieties and is fabricated using two-component epoxy resins. Epoxy grout is more expensive than traditional cement grout since it takes longer to apply and more effort to clean up afterwards. It’s also not as forgiving and will highlight any mistakes in your tiling. Grout is a cement mixture that includes filler particles of various sizes and water-retaining additives. You may get it in a wide range of colours and use a trowel to apply it by mixing it with water.
Cement grouting comes in a few different forms, including sanded and unsanded versions. Unsanded grouts are not recommended for use with fuller seams due to their lack of binding force, while sanded grouts are good for fixing gaps in constructions measuring between 1/16 and 1/8 of an inch in width. Unlike traditional grout, which must be mixed with Cement and water, epoxy grout can be applied directly to tiles without any preparation. The combination of a hardener, colourants, epoxy resin, and silica fillers makes it ideal for usage in damp areas with high levels of greases and acids. It’s more costly than cement grouts, but it resists stains better than any other alternative.
Epoxy grout is a type of hybrid grout used for tiling that is produced by combining two different resins with a filler. It can’t be damaged by water and can withstand stronger cleaning solutions. It outperforms cementitious grouts in terms of chemical resistance, binding strength, stain resistance, and hardness/strength. Yet, its plastic appearance and increased difficulty of use make it less appealing to others. Epoxy at a grout junction can be applied in less time and with a smaller mix, both of which are advantageous because time is of the essence.
Certain epoxy grouts are incompatible with any material but glass. For areas prone to moisture buildup, such marble countertops and bathrooms, epoxy grout is your best bet for grouting. It’s more costly than other materials, but it’s the ideal choice in most cases because it repels water and stains. The porous nature of cement grout, a commonly used tile-setting solution, allows dirt and other particles to penetrate and become permanently lodged, which can cause discoloration and even promote the growth of mould and mildew. It is not protected against water damage because it is not waterproof.
Epoxy grout’s durability, stain resistance, fracture resistance, and chemical resistance make it the greatest choice for anyone looking for a tile work that will endure a long time with minimal effort. Product innovations like Litokol Starlike Grout have made it easier to work with, although it is still more challenging than other types of grout. The installation process, humans, animals, and the environment are all safe from danger. It is important to consider the whole cost of the project when deciding whether or not to upgrade from epoxy and fix the weakest link in the tile installation.
Content Summary
- If we’re going to tile these areas, we need to pick the best Grout for the job.
- Renovating businesses all around the world employ epoxy grouting in their tiled bathrooms and floors.
- Cement is the typical ingredient in tile grout.
- Discovering the Reality of Epoxy Grout
- If you’ve fallen in love with a single mosaic tile but are deterred by the thought of all the Grout cleaning it will require, this is the article for you.
- Now that you know the basics about cement grout and epoxy grout, we’ll go deeper into each to help you pick the best Grout for tiling.
- Cement grouting comes in a few different forms, including sanded and unsanded versions.
- Latex polymer can be incorporated into the development of sanding grouts.
- The method is simplified by adding a latex polymer component either before or after mixing water and Grout.
- Hence, it is essential to seal all cementitious grouts.
- Alternatives to Conventional Epoxy-Based Joint Compounds
- Epoxy grout is another type of hybrid grout used for tiling.
- When applying epoxy to a grout connection, timing is of the importance.
- Substituting epoxy grout for cement grout has dramatic effects.
- Verify that they have experience with both epoxy grout and standard cement grout and understand how they differ in application.
- Consider the difference in cost between cement grout and epoxy grout.
- Epoxy grout’s durability is one of its best features.
- Epoxy grout is the perfect alternative for individuals seeking a quick, simple, and long-lasting tile project due to its features.
- When compared to conventional Grout, epoxy grout has a number of advantages that quickly convince most people that it should be used instead.
- It is important to consider the whole cost of the project when deciding whether or not to upgrade from epoxy and fix the weakest link in the tile installation.
FAQs About Epoxy
How Many Years Will Epoxy Last?
Epoxy is made up of resin and a hardener that bond together to create a hard plastic and can be poured over concrete, wood, or other types of flooring. Epoxy can last 10 to more than 20 years, as long as it’s properly maintained.
What Causes Epoxy To Fail?
The most common reasons for a failure in your epoxy floor coating are, the floor was not properly prepared, the epoxy floor coating used was water based or other low grade type of epoxy, the epoxy was not rated for the type of traffic on it and or the floor has an issue such as moisture, oil stains, corrosion
Does Epoxy Need Maintenance?
Scrubbing frequency ultimately depends on the amount and type of soilage that typically plagues your epoxy floor coating. However, it is best to scrub all floors at least once a week, and high-traffic areas daily, using the proper brush and detergent.
Does Epoxy Damage Easily?
Durability. Epoxy resin has become a popular choice for lab furniture designers and manufacturers primarily for its incredible strength and durability. Once dry, epoxy resin is virtually impossible to break and can withstand regular heavy impact and pressure without splitting, splintering, or cracking.
What Makes Epoxy Set Faster?
Generally, epoxy cures faster when the air temperature is warmer. Exothermic heat is produced by the chemical reaction that cures epoxy. The amount of heat produced depends on the thickness or exposed surface area of mixed epoxy. In a thicker mass, more heat is retained, causing a faster reaction and more heat.